
John drove into his driveway. He noticed Mia's car parked by his house and deduced that she must have finished her run with his wife, Sarah. Sarah and Mia were best friends from college, and they often went out for a jog every weekend. They typically came by afterward to wash up and get a bite to eat. He enjoyed Mia's company, especially since she was very easy on the eyes. He never did anything other than look and Sarah didn't mind too much since they both followed the motto of: "You can look, but you can't touch."

He walked in and heard the shower running. He yelled, "Honey, I'm home!"

Sarah popped out of the family room. Her hair was wet and skin flush from a recent shower. "Mia's in the shower. How was your trip to the bank?"

"Yeah, I had to fight off some bank robbers, but one got away." He chuckled. "Are you really asking me how my trip to the bank went?"

Sarah smiled. "Sorry, I'm just feeling a little weird right now, not thinking clearly." Her eyes glanced at the bathroom door where the sound of cascading water could still be heard. She asked in a low voice, "Do you want to hear some interesting news?"

Picking up the hint, John nodded and walked toward the living room, which was the furthest room away from the bathroom. It was unlike Sarah to gossip, much less gossip about Mia, so he figured this was especially juicy.

Sarah sat down on a sofa chair and said, "So, you know Mia has been trying to get pregnant with Roger, right?" He nodded. "Well, it wasn't working so they went to get tested. Turns out Roger's been shooting blanks."

John frowned. "That must be pretty sad for them. It must be a blow to Roger's ego, since he's such a macho kind of guy. So what are they going to do? Adopt? Give up?"

"Well, this is the juicy bit. They are going to go for a sperm donor." Sarah smiled.

John shrugged, "That's not juicy, people do that all the time."

She laughed and shook her head "Oh, John, you have NO idea. Roger being so embarrassed wanted nothing to do with the sperm donor process. He told Mia to just take care of it herself."

"What a dick!" John exclaimed, "This is not an easy thing to go through. The least he can do is stand by Mia to deal with all this." John and Sarah never liked Roger. They felt that Roger was a chauvinist and never really treated Mia right.

"You are right, he IS a dick" Sarah leaned forward. "She asked whether you could be the donor."

John gave a start and then spent a moment to mull it over. He thought it would be weird, but I suppose there isn't really anything wrong and this is something reasonable he could do for a friend.

Sarah watched John's face as he weighed it in his mind. She said, "No, you don't get it. Mia is so royally pissed at Roger that she wants you to do it... naturally."

John gripped his chair in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Naturally? You mean not with a doctor, etc. Like me having sex with her?"

Sarah nodded and gave John a look. "Yep. That's why she approached me. To make sure I'm okay with this. I told her that you'd probably disagree, though."

John's gaped in outrage. "No you didn't!" His face softened, and he asked "You didn't, did you?"

She laughed again. "Not, really. I did you one better than that. I told her you'd only agree if she's willing to to do it in our 'particular' way."

John and Sarah were into bondage. While they didn't broadcast it to the world, they never made a huge secret of it, especially with Sarah's best friend. John's face lit up in delight. "Sarah, she agreed, right?"

Sarah nodded with a smug grin on her face. Her grin turned wicked as she said, "I also added the stipulation that I would be there to watch."

John leapt out of his chair with joy. "Sarah, I owe you big time for this one. You are the best!" He wanted to make sure nothing went wrong with his relationship with Sarah, so he asked, "Sarah, you ARE okay with this right?"

Sarah gave him a hug and said "Yes, silly. I know how much you enjoy looking at Mia and I know it's purely recreational." She pulled back and gave him another mischievous look. "Besides, I've always wanted to see Mia naked, too. She's smokin' hot."

John grinned. Sarah didn't swing that way, but she definitely appreciated a fine female figure.

The sounds of the shower stopped. Sarah said, "Sounds like she's almost done. Are you ready to do your duty?"

John looked at her in disbelief, "What? Are we doing this right now?"

"Yes, it's her time of the month. Do you want to wait till next month?" Sarah pushed him gently away. "Why don't you go sit in the chair in the bedroom while I have a little chat with her and let her know that it's on."

More excited than he could ever remember, John rushed into the bedroom and sat on the chair. Sarah walked by and closed the door, probably so she could have the discussion with Mia with some level of privacy. John silently waited.

John heard the bathroom door open. Then, he heard voices. He strained to listen but couldn't make out any words since they were talking softly. He fidgeted in his chair as the minutes felt like hours.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened. Into the bedroom walked Sarah with Mia behind her. Mia was tall for a woman and had a lean, athletic body. Her skin had a pink undertone, just coming out of a hot shower. Her damp hair was long, down to her upper back. She was wearing a tight blouse which hugged her curves around her waist and bust. The blouse had pleats which accentuated her narrow waist and wide hips. She also wore pants that were almost like tights, and also showcased her hips and legs in a flattering way. It was too bad, thought John, since those were coming off soon enough. Her face was relaxed and regarded John calmly which was strange considering what she knew was about to happen.

Sarah motioned Mia to stand about six feet in front of him while she started laying out the ground rules. "So, we all know why we are here. Mia, you are to follow John's orders. If at any point, you ever feel that we are going too far, let us know and we'll stop immediately. I'll sit down over there by the corner and I'll let John direct from here."

Sarah walked to the other chair and sat down while John sat there not saying anything, deliberately stretching the silence in an attempt to make Mia uncomfortable.

It didn't work. Mia stood straight, her eyes coolly regarding John. Her quiet confidence was another reason why John found Mia attractive, not to mention her stunning looks. He'd never ever leave Sarah for Mia; he loved Sarah too much. But occasionally his mind wandered in a fantasy world where he met Mia before Sarah.

John broke the silence. "Strip," he said forcefully.

Mia's eyes never flinched or betrayed any emotion as she commenced to obey his command. She pulled her blouse over her head, dropping it on the floor. She then put her thumbs in her pants, proceeding to peel it off her legs. As she was doing this, her eyes never left John, almost in challenge. John would have found it disconcerting, but he was busy roaming his eyes over her exposed figure. He's seen her in a swimsuit before, so what he was seeing right now wasn't new. But it was definitely a treat to drink in those long legs, flat belly, and well proportioned breasts, even though they were slightly covered by her bra.

After removing her outerwear, John noticed Mia take a deep breath before the next step of removing her undergarments. He smiled to himself, amused at the slight break in her stone cold confidence. Before she could reach the bra clasp at her back, John had a wicked idea.

"Stop! Put your hands back on your sides." Mia quickly complied with a curious look on her face. John turned to his wife. "Sarah, why don't you finish stripping Mia for us."

Mia's eyes widened, but to her credit, she didn't react any further, her eyes still locked onto John's. Sarah walked over with a giant smile and stepped behind Mia to unclasp her bra. She pulled them off and dropped them on the floor. For the first time John was able to view Mia's fully exposed breasts. They were perfectly sized for his hands, maybe a C cup. Her nipples were small and slightly erect.

Sarah got down on her knees behind Mia and slowly pulled her panties off her. Mia was completely shaven and John could see her slit at the juncture of her thighs. As the last piece of modesty was removed from Mia, John took a moment to drink her completely naked body in with his eyes. While he felt like he lucked out with Sarah, who was probably an 8/10, Mia was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he's ever met at a 9+. She had the perfect curve going from her bust, to her waist, hips and thighs, all the way down to her calves. She kept good care of her body and had faint muscle definition with a layer of feminine softness over it. John couldn't wait to run his hands over her skin.

Mia was still calm and collected, although Sarah did notice her breathe faster. Now that Sarah's job was done, she got up and was about to head back to her chair in the corner when she was struck with a naughty idea. She quickly turned back to Mia and grabbed her cunt before she could react. Mia turned to Sarah in shock, her calm demeanor suddenly shattered by the invasion of Sarah's fingers.

Sarah pulled away and smiled. "Just as I thought, she's wetter than the fucking ocean." She raised her hand with glistening fingers as proof. She put the fingers in her mouth to clean them and then smiled to herself as she walked back to her chair.

John was pleasantly surprised at Sarah's antics, but he didn't say anything. He gave his next command. "Turn around, slowly. I haven't decided which way I'm going to use you yet."

Mia slowly turned around. When she was facing away from John, he said, "Stop. Bend from your waist with your legs straight and grab your ankles."

John knew Mia had the flexibility to comply with his command and wanted to enjoy watching Mia from every angle. He also knew that this would make Mia very exposed and uncomfortable. As Mia bent all the way down, her cunt became visible, framed by her world-class butt and thighs. Oh, yes, she was definitely wet. Her slit was glistening with her juices. When she made it all the way down to ankles, her nether lips slightly opened and it took all of his self control not to get up, rip his pants off and take her right there.

After admiring the view for a few moments, he said, "Okay, you can get up now. I've made up my mind on how I'm going to take you."

John got up and took off his clothes at a measured pace, trying not to look like he was rushing. Mia recovered from her position and watched John. When John was finished, Mia's eyes were no longer on John's. She was staring straight at his erection with trepidation on her face. Sarah noticed this and told her "You'll be fine. He fits in me fine and I'm probably smaller than you. You'll like it, I'm sure."

John smirked at Mia's reaction and said, "Sarah, get her ready on the hooks facing the mirrors."

Being avid practitioners of bondage, John and Sarah installed ceiling hooks in their bedroom. John placed them on the side of the bedroom next to the sliding closet doors, which were also floor to ceiling mirrors. The mirrors heightened the experience, allowing them John to watch the expressions on Sarah's face as she was being fucked. Now, he gets to use this setup with Mia.

Sarah motioned Mia to face the mirror. As Mia stared at her naked body in the mirror, contemplating what was about to happen, Sarah approached her with four padded velcro cuffs. Mia calmly held out her wrists and ankles to let Sarah cuff them. The ankle cuffs were hooked to a spreader bar, so Mia's legs were forced apart. The wrist cuffs were connected to separate ropes that went to hooks in the ceiling to her left and right. Sarah tightened the ropes attached to Mia's wrists, enough that it made her stretch out and unable to move much. The stretching accentuated her slender, athletic figure. Sarah walked around her, ostensibly checking on the cuffs, but clearly admiring her friend's flawless skin and perfect body.

John stepped forward toward Mia as Sarah stepped back. Sarah didn't go all the way back to her chair, she hovered nearby and wanted to watch everything that was about to happen in close proximity. Through the reflection in the mirror, Mia watched John approach her from behind. He stepped so close she could feel the heat of his body on her back without making skin contact. She desperately wanted to feel his touch but would not give in to squirming or begging.

John finally put his hands on Mia's hips. The contact made her involuntarily inhale sharply. Mia could see John's smile as he got a rise from her reaction. He slowly moved his hands up to her waist and for the first time Mia's cool facade broke as she closed her eyes, parted her lips and let out her breath. When she opened them again, they were no longer cool and collected, but lidded and full of lust. John's hands continued to travel upward to splay his hands on her breasts. He gently caressed them and used his fingers to rub and tweak at her nipples.

Mia closed her eyes and let herself surrender to her sensations. She felt one of John's hands move down her belly and her eyes flew open when his fingers reached her cunt. She couldn't hold back her voice anymore. "Ahhhhh!"

Mia looked at herself in the mirror, completely helpless and naked in her friend's bedroom. She watched as John's hands stroked her steadily toward her first extra-marital orgasm. She involuntarily rolled her hips forward trying to get more stimulation from his fingers. John was clearly an expert, first working on the outer lips and as she got more and more aroused, he started to brush against her clit. His other hand was roaming around her body, focused primarily on her breasts and nipples, but also occasionally heading down to her belly and hips.

As she started to get close, John stopped suddenly. Mia flashed her eyes in anger as the first words spilled out of her mouth, "What are you doing? I was almost there!".

John nonchalantly replied, "Well, that's not what we are here for, are we? We are here to get you knocked up, not to get you off."

Mia retorted, "Okay. Then, stick it in me."

"It doesn't seem you really want it," John said. "Maybe if you asked nicely, I'd oblige. I want you to tell me what exactly you want me to do." Sarah beamed at John, approving of John's manipulation of Mia.

Mia's eyes flashed again but she was too horny. "Please fuck me."

John laughed, "Really? Is that the best you can do?"

Mia started to squirm in her bonds and then surrendered completely. "Please. Please fuck me. I want to feel it deep inside me. I want you to deposit your seed in my womb and feel it trickle out of my cunt afterward."

John smiled in victory and turned to Sarah. "Loosen her arms a little."

Sarah moved forward to work on the ropes. She knew what John wanted; he needed a little give on the ropes so that Mia could bend over and give John deeper access to her vagina.

After her arms were loosened, Mia knew what to do. She stuck out her butt toward John and through the reflection, looked into his eyes as she said, "You can fuck me now. I'm your slut and soaking wet. I'm ready to receive your gift."

John asked his wife, "Can you come here and assist?" Sarah rushed over to him and grabbed the base of his cock and pressed his tip against Mia's slit. She watched as her husband sank his cock into her best friend's pussy.

Sarah pressed gently against John's lower back, encouraging him. "Give it to her. She needs a good fucking."

Mia moaned as John pushed in all the way. "Ohhh! I feel it stretching my cunt. You can take me harder. Use me."

John was already very close because he was highly aroused from watching and feeling Mia's body for the first time. He wanted to pace himself because he believed that "Ladies always came first."

Mia noticed John slow down and told him, "Remember what I'm here for. Don't worry about my pleasure. I want you to use me. I want you to cum inside me. " She really wasn't worried about her orgasm, she was extremely turned on being treated like a sex object and knew that she'd come the instant she felt him spurting inside her.

John obliged by grabbing her hips and pushing harder and faster. He looked at her through the mirror and watched her lust-clouded eyes and parted lips. Her breasts heaving with a thin sheen of sweat making them glisten. His mind was dead set on ravishing this beautiful slut. It took only a few thrusts before he lost control.

"I feel it growing bigger inside me! Cum in me! Give me your seed and let it grow in my belly." Mia heard John groan behind her and felt him push his cock as far in as he could. "Oh yes, I feel it! I'm coming too! Ahhhhh!"

As John's cock spurted copious amounts of cum, Mia's cunt started pulsing on his cock, giving him more pleasure and sucking his cum up into her womb. He'd never cum this much before in his life. It went on and on and on. He felt completely drained. After ensuring Mia finished coming down from her orgasm, he slipped out of her and started to undo the cuffs.

Sarah walked up to Mia with her clothes. "I assume you got what you wanted?" Sarah also handed her a paper towel. "Yeah, John tends to have a lot of cum and it's leaking down your legs, you might want to clean up a bit." She looked down at her friend's leaking slit. "Wow, maybe I should get you more towels."

Mia gratefully took the paper towel and her clothes and didn't say anything. John also got dressed in silence.

After they got dressed, Mia said, "Thank you both, but I better go now. Sarah, do you know where my purse is? I think I might have left it in your car." Sarah went off to the garage where her car was parked.

Mia turned to John. She said, "You both really know how to show a woman a good time." She looked down at his pants. "Especially with what you are packing... If I don't get pregnant this time, we'll keep trying again until it works. It shouldn't take long since with my age and hormone levels, the doctor thinks it will be easy."

John had absolutely no problem with that. Sarah came back with Mia's purse and said, "Okay, thanks! I'll see you again soon." Mia left the house and closed the door.

Sarah turned to John and smiled. "So what do you think?"

"What do I think?" John laughed, "I think I've died and gone to heaven. Too bad this won't last long."

"Well, it might last a lot longer than you think." Sarah grinned. "I didn't mean to snoop, but when I went to get Mia's purse in the car, she left her purse open. I saw something that maybe I shouldn't have seen... I saw a case for medication that had days marked out in a month."

"You mean..."

"Yes, she's still on the pill."

John was puzzled. "Why would she be on the pill if she wanted to get pregnant?"

Sarah shook her head, rolling her eyes. "You don't get it, do you, Silly? She just wanted to get fucked. You think you 'used' her? She 'used' us."

John smiled. He didn't mind being 'used' at all.


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